Friday, 15 June 2018

BSNLEU continues with it's efforts for getting relaxation for the JE LICE.

BSNLEU is trying it’s best to get justice to the candidates of the JE LICE. The issue was raised vociferously in the 36th meeting of the National Council, held on 12-06-2018. Thereafter, BSNLEU has submitted an expert opinion to the Management, provided by an academician, explaining how many of the questions are flawed. In continuation of this, Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS and Com. Animesh Mitra, Vice-President(CHQ) met Ms. Samita Luthra, GM (Rect.) today and discussed the issue. The representatives emphatically demanded that the injustice can be done away with, only by granting relaxation, as demanded by the Union.