Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Meeting with the Director (HR):

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, and com. Ramesh Chand, Org. Secretary (CHQ) met the Director (HR), yesterday and discussed the following issues. 

(a)  DR JE recruitment.
The Union representatives demanded that the Management should take serious efforts to vacate the stay imposed on the DR JE recruitment, by the Jaipur Bench of the Hon’ble CAT. They also urged upon the Director (HR) to increase the DR JE posts to a sufficient extent, so that the candidates whose names are deleted in the second list, and also the candidates who have secured above cut off level marks, could be accommodated. The Director (HR) assured to look into these issues. 

(b) Implementation of DoP&T order on recovery of over payment.
Based on the judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the DoP&T has already issued order that, over payment wrongly made to the Group C & D employees, should not be recovered. BSNLEU has not implemented this order, on the plea that the DoP&T letter was not endorsed by the DoT. However, the DDG (Estt.), DoT, in a meeting with com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, has informed that endorsement of the DoP&T letter, by the DoT, is not necessary, and that BSNL itself can very well implement the DoP&T order. The Union representatives expressed their unhappiness on BSNL’s dilly dallying on this issue and urged upon the Director (HR) to take immediate steps for the implementation of the DoP&T order. The Director (HR) assured to look into the matter.  

(c)  Inordinate delay in constituting the Joint Wage Negotiation Committee.
The Union representatives pointed out that the Management is unnecessarily delaying formation of the Joint Wage Negotiation Committee. They demanded that the truncated wage revision committee, that has already been constituted by the Corporate Office, should be modified, by giving representation to the Recognised Unions. The Director (HR) assured to take necessary steps in this regard.