Friday, 7 October 2016

Getting the information that Addl. Secretary, DoT, the Chairmen of the BSNL Board Remuneration Committee, denied to sign the file for approval of PLI for the year 2014-15, com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, Patron, BSNLEU and com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS met shri N. Sivasailam, Addl. Secretary, DoT yesterday, the 05.10.2016 and urged for approval for the same. The Addl. Secretary, expressed that without the full meeting of the remuneration committee, he will not sign the file. After much discussion, he agreed to attend the meeting by 10th of October, 2016. The representatives than met the CMD, BSNL, Shri Anupam Srivastava and the Director (HR), BSNL, Ms. Sujata Ray and strongly submitted that if the PLI payment is not made immediately, the union have no options but to go for direct trade union actions. Both the CMD and the Director (HR) assured to get the issue settled by shortest time. Worker must be ready for a strong trade union action, if the PLI is denied or delayed by the BSNL Board.