Thursday, 2 June 2016

JTO LICE results to be declared within a day or two:-

JTO LICE for the vacancies of the year 2013-14 was held on 22.05.2016. This exam was held under the new JTO RR 2014. Some uncertainty was created due to the order of the Hon’ble CAT, Patna bench, which has said that the JTO LICE for the vacancies of 2013-14 should not be conducted as per the JTO RR 2014. BSNLEU has been demanding that the Management should not accept this judgement and proceed to declare the results. Com. P.Abhimanyu, GS met Ms. Sujata Ray, Director (HR) and Ms. Anima Roy, GM (Rect.) today and insisted that the results should be declared without any delay. Management replied that they are working in that direction and results are likely to be declared within a day or two.