Friday, 7 August 2015

  07.8.2015: Change of designation of the cadre of Sr.TOA - Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convener, JAC, held discussion with the Management Side members of the Designations Committee.  :-
A view has been expressed by the Sr. TOAs below NE11 pay scale that, their designation has been some what degraded. Keeping this in view, and also after cosultation with com.Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, the issue was today discussed  by Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convener, JAC, with the two Management Side members in the Designations Committee, shri Shameem Akhtar, Sr.GM ( SR ) and Ms.Madhu Arora, GM ( Estt.). The Convener, JAC, demanded that some change needs to be considered,  in respect of the new designation of the Sr.TOAs below NE 11 pay scale. Both the officers expressed the view that, a limited change may be considered, but major deviation was not acceptable. However, they also informed that, the proposals for the new designations have already been sent for the approval of the Management Committee. Hence, the matter would be further  discussed with the Director(HR).
  07.8.2015: Payment of one extra increment – BSNLEU once again writes to the Director (HR) to end the discrimination. :- 
One extra increment, granted by the BSNL Management, to the TTAs appointed on or after 01.01.2007 and upto 07.05.2010, has been denied to the other Non-Executives appointed during the same period. BSNLEU has already taken up with the Corporate Office, demanding to end this discrimination. Once again BSNLEU has written to the Director (HR) to immediately intervene in this matter.<<view letter>>
07.8.2015:  BSNLCCWF அகில இந்திய மாநாட்டு நிதி வசூல் இயக்கம்: Download
07.8.2015:  விரிவடைந்த மாநில செயற்குழு கூட்டம் கோவையில் 14.08.2015 அன்று நடைபெறும்.  : Download