Thursday, 13 December 2018

Settlement of the problem of downgradation of Sr.TOAs from 7100 to 6550 pay scale - BSNL Corporate Office agrees to give one more option.

BSNLEU is continuously taking up this issue with the BSNL Management. In the discussion held with BSNLEU on 10.07.2018, the CMD BSNL agreed to look into it. Thereafter, a series of discussions have been held in the Corporate Office on this issue. This issue is once again discussed by Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS with Shri Sourabh Tyagi, Sr.GM (Estt.), yesterday. The Sr.GM(Estt.) agreed to solve this problem, by offering one more opportunity to the employees, for exercising a fresh option. This problem is related to the Sr.TOAs who were granted 1st promotion under OTBP, in 2008 / 2009. According to para 6.4 of the NEPP order, the promotion already granted to the Sr.TOAs, under OTBP, can be treated as 1stpromotion under NEPP. Alternatively, such officials can switch over to NEPP, w.e.f. 01.10.2000, by foregoing the promotion already granted under OTBP. Each and every official has to make calculation to decide as to which option is beneficial to them. If some one has given a wrong option, as a result of which they have faced loss, they can change their option now. With the calling for of new options by the Corporate Office, this problem will be solved.