So far as the issue of recognition in concerned, the fundamental principle of BSNLEU is
“Proportionate Representation”. Keeping this in view, BSNLEU had sought change in the erstwhile
Recognition Rule, as per which, only one union would be recognised.
BSNLEU demanded that all the unions which secure 15% votes should be recognised. While issuing
the New Recognition Rule for the Non-Executives, the Management accepted BSNLEU’s demand of
proportionate representation. However, the Management introduced an undesirable provision which
states that the second union would not be recognised, if the 1st union secures 50% or more votes.
Immediately BSNLEU opposed this provision, but the Management did not accept.
Keeping in mind, the need of strengthening the unity of the Non-Executives in particular and the unity
of the entire BSNL employees in general, this 9th All India Conference of BSNLEU, held from 17th to
20th December, 2018, at Mysuru, resolves to direct the CHQ to take the necessary steps for the
removal of the undesirable clause of the Recognition Rule of the Non-Executives, which stipulates
that no second union would be recognised, if the first union gets 50% votes.