Tuesday, 25 April 2017

BSNLEU's call for observing this year's May Day.

CHQ calls upon the circle and district unions to observe this year's May Day in a befitting manner, by glorifying the struggle for 8 hours' work, as well as the sacrifices of the May Day martyrs. Together with this, we have to highlight certain important issues confronted by us. 

The Modi government and it's Niti Aayog are launching deadly attacks to destroy the Public Sector, including BSNL, through disinvestment/strategic sale and privatisation. The hard won rights of the Indian working class, are being taken away through Labour Law amendments, by the BJP led governments at the Centre, as well as in various states. Unity of the working class and united struggles are being weakened, by communal forces, in the name of religion. Those who criticise the government are branded as 'Desh Drohis'. Freedom of expression is being trampled. 

Under these circumstances, CHQ calls upon our circle and district unions to observe this year's May Day, by flag hoisting and holding gate meetings. The following issues are to be highlighted in the gate meetings:- 

1) No disinvestment/ strategic sale/ privatisation of PSUs, including BSNL. No formation of Subsidiary Tower Company in BSNL.
2) Withdraw amendments to the Labour Laws. Do not curtail the hard won trade union rights of the working class.
3) Stop attacks on freedom of expression. Stop attacks on the secular fabric of the country.

All circle and district unions are requested to observe the programme massively and to send reports and photos to the CHQ.