Tuesday, 12 January 2016

All Union meeting on 7th Membership Verification. : -
An all Union meeting, convened by BSNL Management, on conducting the 7th Membership Verification, was held today. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and com. Balbir Singh, President, represented BSNLEU. Shri Shameem Akhtar, PGM (SR) and shri Ram Sakhal, Addl.GM (SR), attended from the Management Side. All the other applicant unions, who participated in the 6th Membership Verification also attended the meeting. In that meeting Management spelt out the following time schedule for conducting the 7th Membership Verification.
Letter inviting applications                          - 14.01.2016
Issuing of notification                                 - 18.02.2016
Last date for withdrawal of application       - 22.02.2016
Date of election                                         - 26.04.2016
Counting and declaration of results             - 28.04.2016