Saturday, 12 December 2015

Breakthrough reached in change of designations of the non-executives.
Hearty congrats. Break through reached in the matter of  designations change. Agreement reached in today's Designation Committee meeting as follows:-
Sr.ToA cadre:- 
1) NE7 & NE 8      =       Senior Office Associate.
2) NE9 & NE10     =       Assistant Office Superintendent.
3) NE 11 & NE 12 =       Office Superintendent.
RM:       Assistant Telecom Technician
TM :      Telecom Technician.
TTA :    JE. 
Now the decisions of the Joint Committee on change of designations will go for the approval of the Management Committee. We hope to get the order issued soon. CHQ wishes hearty congrats to all the comrades.<<view agreement>>