Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Status on releasing of funds by Corporate Office, for payment of GPF advance. : -
Many circles are contacting CHQ on the issue of releasing of funds by the Corporate Office, for the payment of GPF advance. On this issue, the position is as follows. The issue was seriously discussed with the CMD BSNL, by com. P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, on 15.10.2015. The GS elaborately explained to the CMD about the hardships being faced by the employees. Thereafter, the CMD directed the GM(T&BFCI)  to release funds for all the demands received from the circles, up to 30.09.2015. Now, circle secretaries have to check up whether funds have been allotted as per the assurance of the CMD. If not, General Secretary may be informed. Needful action would be taken. As regards the demands received by the Corporate Office, after 30.10.2015 also, CHQ will take sincere efforts. But, it may not materialise immediately, due to shortage of funds.